
>> Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Nikolaustag! I got lots of toys in my boots. It was so funny and I loved it. I wanted the bear pez holder that my sister got. We got to open presents for the day. I got some cars. Danielle helps me open my presents. I am getting new teeth. My teeth are very swollen and my molar on my right side is ready to break through the skin. It makes it harder to sleep. I get grouchy. I also wish that I could stay up all night and sleep in the day instead of sleeping at night.
that would be fun.



>> Sunday, December 5, 2010

I am so sad when I get new teeth.


Christmas Is Coming

>> Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Today we decorated the tree. I got a new shirt from BotoDesigns. I love the robots. I think it is funny to play on the couch with Danielle. I love BotoDesigns. You should get a matching shirt HERE. Did you know that I also love sushi? It makes me smile and I eat a lot of it.

Mark thought the couch and tree were pretty funny. He tried to get the lamp since the couch was moved closer.



>> Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I fly through the air lots of the time. It is so fun.



>> Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Matt and Carlie are visiting me. I like them. But I also sleep a lot when they are here. I slept most of the day today which was really nice. We ate out again today at Abe's Deli. I like eating the food there. Mommy bought me toast. I waved it around and if you look closely under my chair I threw it there. I liked mommy's noodles way more than I liked my toast but it was fun to be there. I wanted mommy to hold me the whole time.



>> Monday, August 9, 2010

I ate lots of food at the Thai restaurant today. and I slept a lot. I like to sleep when Matt and Carlie visit. I get really excited and that makes me tired. Today Elijah my cousin bit me. It hurt my feelings but I still like him. I want to pull his hair.
Today I ate Thai food with my aunt and uncle and parents. I got to sit in a high chair next to Eli. He watched people in the restaurant but I didn't want to because I don't like them. I ate lots of food and threw some on the floor. They like me at that restaurant. They are really nice.



>> Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sometimes I don't know why they try to get me in a photo with them. Don't they know I have important business to do? I like to crawl on the grass and I like to find little rocks and leaves and various baby treasure. One of my other favorite things to do is to sit in the sandbox and crush the sand between my fingers.



>> Saturday, August 7, 2010

Today mom had a baby shower for a friend. I slept through most of it and then I played with everyone. I like playing with everyone I know. Mom let me have a bath and that is my favorite thing ever. I slap the water. Then She made my hair look all silly and froofed it out. She thought is looked funny but I didn't care. I was too busy slapping the slide and playing with the ball I claimed as my own. Danielle says it is hers but I don't have many toys I am interested so I think it can be mine if I want it.

My uncle Matt and Aunt Carlie are visiting. and my cousin Eli. I like to watch Eli. He has a lot of hair I want to grab.



>> Friday, August 6, 2010

Today we cleaned the house a lot. On days that we clean the house a lot sometimes we order Pizza. That makes it easier to get lots of work done. Today I ate really yummy food with the family in my new big chair. I get to sit my Danielle which I really like.
I am getting really good at eating solid food but I still wake up a few times in the night to eat. I have slept 10 hours straight twice and mommy suspects she just slept through me waking up.
I am usually just too hungry to sleep. Since they always have white noise in my room I don't wake up as much anymore from sounds around the house. I can hear a lot so I don't like having too much sound.



>> Thursday, August 5, 2010

I love to watch my sister Danielle. We play in the yard while mommy works on the new flower bed. I don't mind touching the grass. I can crawl pretty fast so it is almost like I am running. I run to follow Danielle and sometimes I try to eat leaves. I like the way they taste. Mommy tells me not to.
I feel like mommy has lots of ideas about what I should do. I just watch Danielle instead.



>> Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today I got to bounce in my chair in the basement. I like to pick things up and then throw them on the floor. I like Danielle or mommy or daddy to bring them back to me so I can throw them again. It's like fun game of fetch. Today my blue chair finally came. At first mom was going to get me a gray Stokke Tripp Trapp chair but it came and it didn't have all of it's parts and that made her sad. She called the company and they said she could return it so we got a blue one instead. I guess the gray one looked more brown than gray. I don't really care- I like being able to stand up in my chair while daddy feeds me. It makes me feel really big to sit up at the table with the grown ups.



>> Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today I was a little bit sad. I woke up four times last night. I just don't feel very good. Every time I am on the ground I crawl over to mommy for her to pick me up.
One of my best tricks is that I suck my cheeks in when I want to eat something I see. If mommy eats a banana I suck in my cheeks so she knows I want some. She gives it to me. Mommy tells me to stop stuffing too much food in my mouth and then spitting it all over myself. I tell her I don't know any other way to get as many baths as I do.
I rub my face when I am tired. If mommy doesn't schedule when i go to sleep I try not to go to sleep at all and I get really grouchy. If I want to go to bed and someone feeds me that is one of the rudest things ever. I cry and scream at them.



>> Monday, August 2, 2010

Today I am getting new teeth. I like to be around mommy all the time. I don't like to sleep at night anymore. One of my favorite things to do is to play tag with Danielle. I crawl after her and she runs in a circle downstairs.
Today I had a lot of fun when I got to play with my ball. Paula got me the ball when I was born and I like to shake it. Mom played with me in the white chair.



>> Sunday, August 1, 2010

Today I slept until about 10:45 and then I went to church with daddy and met up with mommy. Danielle had a friend over and they were sitting in the beanbag so I went and sat with them. It is fun to sit in the beanbag and I sat for around 15 minutes. I am really good at focusing on things. At church someone else wanted to carry me but I didn't want them to so I started to cry. I also didn't want to be on the floor and play. I didn't want mom to let me down at all. I am teething again so I like to bite mommy on the arm. it is funny. I also bite the giraffe if Danielle gives it to me.



>> Saturday, July 31, 2010

One of the funniest games in the world is sticking something in mommy's mouth. I like to put her headband in her mouth and she makes an eating noise. I could do it for hours. Today we did it for about 30 minutes and I laughed the whole time. I don't always make it into mommy's mouth because it is hard to get such a small target. I put my toy in it and she eats it up. again and again. Mommy would rather have me do that then put my little hands in her mouth. I like grabbing her face though. If she doesn't have something for me to hold on to I try to grab her mouth the whole time I am nursing.
I don't think I will ever sleep through the night again. Today daddy gave me pain killer for my teeth but I still couldn't really sleep. I am pretty sensitive about my teeth, they are important to me.
Today mommy took me to an activity at church. Whenever we go to the church I get really hungry. but I got to play with my plane which was fun. I played with my friend Katie. I really like her. Normally when people try to hold me I start crying and want to go back to mommy but I will play with Katie. I will even let her pick me up.



>> Friday, July 30, 2010

I've gotten old enough to help when I get out of the car seat. I wait to throw myself forward and I help mom get my hands out. When I'm not in my car seat I like to climb on it and play around it. today Danielle put lots of my toys in my car seat and I played with her.



>> Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today was really hot. and I took some really good naps. My mom was proud of me. We played and watched a show together which was really fun.
I love playing with Danielle and we dance together in the living room.



>> Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I bit my mommy today. I like to bite. Sometimes I bite her too hard and she cries. I like to bite her shoulder when I am hungry. Today we played in the front room with lots of blankets left over from daddy.



>> Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today I got to play with mommy and daddy. I love eating bananas even when I get them all over myself. I like to eat them and squish them. I ate a lot of sushi today too. I also love my zhu zhu pet. I chase it all over the kitchen floor. Danielle will let me play with he zhu zhu pets now that I have one of my own.
mommy and Danielle made some cookies today. They used frozen cookie dough. mommy turned on the oven light and I got to bang on the oven door for ten minutes while they were cooking. It was so neat to watch! I love watching the oven and the washing machine.
I also found a new game called "put the stuff in mom's mouth" I put a headband in her mouth and she pretends to eat it. Sometimes I don't have very good aim but I think it is really funny.



>> Monday, July 26, 2010

Well I didn't puke a lot today but I am very grouchy. I don't understand why daddy doesn't always hold me. I like to eat lemons. They taste really funny but I keep eating them when I get them and I always want them from mommy's cup. We went out because mommy didn't want to make anything today. It was really hot and she was sad about all the work that has piled up from being sick. I don't know what her big deal is. Danielle and I smacked the back of the booth and I wasn't crying so mommy was happy.
daddy took my picture today. mommy still doesn't feel good. she cried today.


Sunday Sick Day

>> Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today I threw up a few times. I really don't feel good. I was fussy all day and I wanted to eat a lot because that is what I do when my tummy hurts. I ate bananas in my chair and chicken. I ate apples but I threw them up. I got two baths today. I love baths. and I played with mommy and Danielle which was really fun. Almost as much fun as having daddy hold me.



>> Saturday, July 24, 2010

Today mommy was sick. I decided I wanted daddy to hold me all day. Most days I want daddy to hold me. Or I want to play with electrical things. I like to turn the fan on and try to move it all around and climb on it. mommy unplugs the fan when i do that which is rude. I yell at her if she takes my toys away. Like today when she took away her phone. One of my favorite things to do is play tag with Danielle. If she crawls then I chase her. Except sometimes she starts running and then she goes to fast and I find something else to do. She is really nice and sometimes she opens up the gate for me so I can climb up the stairs. Today I climbed all the way up without mom and dad knowing until I was at the top. I was really proud of myself. I am good at climbing stairs.


Friday Faces

>> Friday, July 23, 2010

Today I ran errands with daddy. One thing that I really like to do is help mom with the laundry. I like to move it along. Mostly I just stand by the washer and bang on it when it is open. I like to feel the different parts of the washer. They feel really neat. I stick my tongue out when I do it because that helps me concentrate. Then mom takes a picture. When mom takes a picture of me Danielle likes to interrupt so mom will take a picture of her. But then Danielle doesn't stant still. I don't look at mom though, because the washer is much for interesting.



>> Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today I found a hammer. A hammer! I love hammers. I get to hit things with them. Could there be anything cooler than a hammer? maybe playing fetch with myself. For about an hour today I threw around a ball in the kitchen. Then I would go get it.
You should try it sometime, it's really fun.


Wednesday Sounds

>> Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Did I mention that the lion is the mightiest of all animals. I like to make animal noises. and growl at things. I like it when mommy and daddy growl at me and then I laugh. The only thing cooler than my lion and hitting toys is a cell phone. I am really good at getting them unlocked.
When mom gives me food on a plate I like to put my hands in it and swirl the food around. This way I get more on my hands to eat later and I can also spread the food around. My mom likes the boon plate that sticks to my high chair but I wish I could pick it up and use it to mash up the rest of my food.



>> Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today we went to the Olive Garden. I liked the breadsticks and sit in my seat. I laughed at Danielle.



>> Monday, July 19, 2010

Today was a really fun day. I got to play with a foam sword. I've seen Danielle play with the sword a lot. I got to play with the sword and Danielle today. I loved it.


Sunday Sleep

>> Sunday, July 18, 2010

Today my sleep schedule is different than it used to be. Mommy was really tired because she stayed up all night putting new floor in the kitchen. I like the new floor but I told mommy I was really tired too. I went to sleep at 9 in the morning and mommy did too, and she decided to lay down and go to church when I woke up. I didn't wake up until almost 11:30 so we only went to the last hour of church. I liked going to church. I got to eat graham crackers and also mommy fed me. She always tries to cover me with a blanket when we are at church and I don't like it.


Baby Mark Cover

>> Saturday, July 17, 2010

I think Baby Mark would make a good cover model. He might just scowl at them the whole time but he is pretty cute when he wants to be. Old Man Babies seem underrepresented on Parents Magazine, don't you think?




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