>> Monday, December 6, 2010
that would be fun.
I ate lots of food at the Thai restaurant today. and I slept a lot. I like to sleep when Matt and Carlie visit. I get really excited and that makes me tired. Today Elijah my cousin bit me. It hurt my feelings but I still like him. I want to pull his hair.
Today I ate Thai food with my aunt and uncle and parents. I got to sit in a high chair next to Eli. He watched people in the restaurant but I didn't want to because I don't like them. I ate lots of food and threw some on the floor. They like me at that restaurant. They are really nice.
One of the funniest games in the world is sticking something in mommy's mouth. I like to put her headband in her mouth and she makes an eating noise. I could do it for hours. Today we did it for about 30 minutes and I laughed the whole time. I don't always make it into mommy's mouth because it is hard to get such a small target. I put my toy in it and she eats it up. again and again. Mommy would rather have me do that then put my little hands in her mouth. I like grabbing her face though. If she doesn't have something for me to hold on to I try to grab her mouth the whole time I am nursing.
I don't think I will ever sleep through the night again. Today daddy gave me pain killer for my teeth but I still couldn't really sleep. I am pretty sensitive about my teeth, they are important to me.
Today mommy took me to an activity at church. Whenever we go to the church I get really hungry. but I got to play with my plane which was fun. I played with my friend Katie. I really like her. Normally when people try to hold me I start crying and want to go back to mommy but I will play with Katie. I will even let her pick me up.
I've gotten old enough to help when I get out of the car seat. I wait to throw myself forward and I help mom get my hands out. When I'm not in my car seat I like to climb on it and play around it. today Danielle put lots of my toys in my car seat and I played with her.
Well I didn't puke a lot today but I am very grouchy. I don't understand why daddy doesn't always hold me. I like to eat lemons. They taste really funny but I keep eating them when I get them and I always want them from mommy's cup. We went out because mommy didn't want to make anything today. It was really hot and she was sad about all the work that has piled up from being sick. I don't know what her big deal is. Danielle and I smacked the back of the booth and I wasn't crying so mommy was happy.
daddy took my picture today. mommy still doesn't feel good. she cried today.
Today I threw up a few times. I really don't feel good. I was fussy all day and I wanted to eat a lot because that is what I do when my tummy hurts. I ate bananas in my chair and chicken. I ate apples but I threw them up. I got two baths today. I love baths. and I played with mommy and Danielle which was really fun. Almost as much fun as having daddy hold me.
Today mommy was sick. I decided I wanted daddy to hold me all day. Most days I want daddy to hold me. Or I want to play with electrical things. I like to turn the fan on and try to move it all around and climb on it. mommy unplugs the fan when i do that which is rude. I yell at her if she takes my toys away. Like today when she took away her phone. One of my favorite things to do is play tag with Danielle. If she crawls then I chase her. Except sometimes she starts running and then she goes to fast and I find something else to do. She is really nice and sometimes she opens up the gate for me so I can climb up the stairs. Today I climbed all the way up without mom and dad knowing until I was at the top. I was really proud of myself. I am good at climbing stairs.
Did I mention that the lion is the mightiest of all animals. I like to make animal noises. and growl at things. I like it when mommy and daddy growl at me and then I laugh. The only thing cooler than my lion and hitting toys is a cell phone. I am really good at getting them unlocked.
When mom gives me food on a plate I like to put my hands in it and swirl the food around. This way I get more on my hands to eat later and I can also spread the food around. My mom likes the boon plate that sticks to my high chair but I wish I could pick it up and use it to mash up the rest of my food.
I think Baby Mark would make a good cover model. He might just scowl at them the whole time but he is pretty cute when he wants to be. Old Man Babies seem underrepresented on Parents Magazine, don't you think?
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