Crazy Saturday

>> Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saw My second Movie Ever- How To Train Your Dragon
Talked to the movie. It was so exciting. It talked back.
Want to stay up all night. Still up at 2:00 A.M.
hung out with DaddyO while mommy took a nap.
Screamed at mommy. She needs to know I am hurting.
Ate rice cereal.
Grabbed my ball.
tried to figure out how to have the ball and my bear in one hand.
My teeth bled.
Got woken up from my nap.
hung Out on the floor.



>> Friday, April 9, 2010

Today I got way better at crawling and scooting around. I pretty much didn't get stuck at all.
Visited Daddy for lunch at the Medical School.
Slept most of the time- ate at the medical school.
Wouldn't eat solid foods.
Cuddled with Mommy.
My new Teeth are red and Swollen. They hurt.
Laughed at Danielle. She brought me a toy.
I took a nap in the afternoon while Danielle went to Piano Lessons.
My Naps are so much shorter when I am getting new teeth. Today I didn't seem very hungry.
Played with mommy.
I was tired so mom tried to put me to bed at 9:30.
I remembered I hadn't eaten.
Life is so exciting it's hard to remember to eat.
Especially when your teeth hurt.



>> Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ran Errands: Picked up the car and went to Abe's Jewish Deli.
Today was hot.
I got two new teeth today!
Played with Melissa while mommy and daddy went on a date.
Mom carried me in the baby carrier.
We went to the basement because the house was too hot.
I didn't really take a nap because it was too hot.
Teething makes me a funny eater.
I love my sister Danielle. She is the funniest person ever.


Etsy Wednesday

>> Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Helped Mommy model applique onesies for her shop.
Worked really hard on crawling.
Ate a whole can of pears
Slept in the Swing.
Loved my feet.
Was super hungry all day.

one of my favorite things to do with Mark is sit and cuddle. He lays his head against my shoulder and hugs me a little. Today he was cuddly and happy. He fell in love with a ball and Danielle kept picking it up for him. Lots of the time he doesn't look at me when I say his name, like when there is something really exciting on the floor. It still feels nice that he smiles when I come in the room.



>> Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Last Night I woke Up again after bedtime. I like watching shows with mom and dad at night.
Teething. Drooled a lot.
Up at 7:34
Hungry all morning. Starving and sleepy. Drooled a lot.
Found these really cool things at the end of my arms. They can grab things. Every day I find something neat at the end of my arms.
Tried to eat a pencil sis left for me.
Nap at 12:00
Sister decided we shouldn't sleep and told me through the walls.
Took Tylenol.
Helped Dad work on the Yard.
Nap at 4:00
Bed at 8:00
Hungry again at 10:00
Mom decided I should probably wear onesies more often.



>> Monday, April 5, 2010

Woke up Early.
Acted Sleepy but didn't go back to sleep.
Fussed a lot.
Got Stuck Crawling.
Finally took an hour nap at 2:00
Stained another outfit. Maybe I need a larger diaper size.
Ate Carrots.
Tried to Eat leaves.
Went to sleep at 8:00 for the night.


Easter Sunday

>> Sunday, April 4, 2010

Up at 8:00
Back to Sleep
Up at Noon
Played with Bunny
Pooed on Outfit From Grandma
Three Hour Nap
First Time in the Baby Carrier
Cried about My Nose Suctioning
Wagon Wheels!
Bed at 10:30




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