Saturday Road Trip

>> Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sister Danielle is going to stay with friends today. I got to ride in the car with her. We stopped at a store and I got to look at lots of colorful things. I slept in the car and watched the dog in the back seat. He is so funny. Danielle is even funnier. Today I got to sleep a lot and mommy thinks I am doing much better outside. I was grouchy this morning so she gave me Tylenol and I slept.
I am getting better at crawling around. When I am really excited I squeal at things, like the teapot on the counter at Mark and Sara's.
I LOVE carrots. a lot.



>> Friday, April 23, 2010

Today I had lots of snot in my nose. My mommy kept taking it from me. I don't like people touching my nose. We played in Danielle's room today. I wanted to eat her sandwich but no one would let me.
I really like playing with the Lady bug book, and seeing friends.
today I got to wear my really neat shoes. I like to try to eat them and they stay on my feet. we played out in the yard and I got to play with all my biting toys.



>> Thursday, April 22, 2010

today I visited daddy at school.
I was grouchy today.
Even if there are a million toys on the ground- I can find the tags.
I love visiting daddy. every time I see him I do a little jump up and down.



>> Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today was a slow day. I woke up late and then wanted to sleep all day.
The highlight- today Mommy made a bowl of cereal and apple-blueberry sauce mixed together. After she mixed it up she left it on the living room floor and went to start dinner. Then someone called her and she forgot about it.
so I skootched right on over there and started feeding myself that yummy stuff. Mommy helped me finish up and then clean up after she remembered. She says I am cute, even though every time she feeds me any food she has to change my clothes. Mommy is trying to help me sleep more at night- she says if I am good like I was last night she will pay me 5,000.00 dollars. She is just as confident that I won't remember as she is that it won't happen.
I love it when mommy holds me and plays with me. My nose is still so stuffed up I don't want to eat until they suction it out sometimes. I also hate that.


Sunny Tuesday

>> Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I found this really neat thing on the carpet today- It is lighter than the rest of the floor but I can't grab it. It isn't always there so I think it is a toy. I want to put it in my mouth.
Today we had a picnic in the fireplace room. We sat on the yoga mat and I ate baby beef, apples and wagon wheels. Danielle wanted my baby meat as soon as mommy started feeding it to me. I thought it was funny to see what she was eating. I wanted her spoon. I can scoot forward while I am sitting up to grab things. It looks like I am sitting up and hopping a little. Mommy didn't know what I was doing at first but then I made it to the apple I wanted. mom noticed that I had scraped my nose and cut my fingernails. I am getting really good at grabbing things with them.
One of my favorite things to do at night is to watch a show with mommy and daddy. I am a little tired but it is part of the routine. Today I discovered my fantastic feet while I was watching the show.



>> Monday, April 19, 2010

Today I was so snotty mom had to clean out my nose before I could eat. I played on the floor and slept a lot. It is nice to go out with mommy and daddy. I get to cuddle with lots of Medical school friends and I get to chew on the rolls. If I want to breastfeed it is just too loud to do it indoors, and I hate being covered up. I was glad when mommy took me to the car.
I am so stuffy but I hate getting my nose suctioned. I screamed at mommy when she tried to do it. She decided my fingernails can wait. One of my cheeks was red at the end of the day- mommy wonders if I scraped it somehow.
After dinner I got to play with Austin. At first I grabbed his mouth and he licked me. Then mommy thought maybe he was trying to eat the food on my clothes with his kisses. She took my dirty clothes off and I got to play with him. I tried to eat his face. I eat all the things I love. Then I got to splash in the bath.
I will play with my doggy again tomorrow, if mommy lets me.


Sunday with the Bergs

>> Sunday, April 18, 2010

Visited Uncle Mark- today was the last day.
4:30 ate
6:00 ate
7:30 ate
8:00 ate a roll- yummy!
9:00 slept
12:00 ate
12:30 ate some more
12:45 slept
2:00 played with Lucy and Aida
ate some- played some. bounced.
5:00 slept
ate, ate. pooed all over.
had a bath. I love splashing, even if it is in the sink.
played with Lucy and Aida.
9:30 slept in the car on the way back home.
1:30a.m. ate.

today I was hungry. really hungry.
and tired.




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