
>> Saturday, June 19, 2010

My cousin Eli visited me and he was really happy and smiled a lot for the camera. His dad worked in the yard and I got to see Aunt Carlie. I don't like to sit still to have my picture taken anymore. It is rude to ask me to sit still. I like to eat my plastic ball though.


Friday at a restaraunt

>> Friday, June 18, 2010

Today I went to a restaurant. It was really fun to eat the food with Grandpa. I let him hold me and I don't cry. Mom took pictures of me from her etsy shop. I just wanted to go on the ground and eat the fun dirt there. Mom realized that I was hungry and tired so I was grouchy. We stopped taking photos after that.


Thursday Grandpa Comes

>> Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today most of the day daddy was gone and he wasn't working. He went to the airport to get grandpa. I slept a lot of the day. I was really tired. Then we sat in the yard. I got a bath today. i get a lot of baths because they are the best. I love sitting in the water and splashing. I would splash all day if I could. I also like splashing in the water in Austin's water bowl. Sometimes mom forgets to pick it up. Today I was really tired while mom and Danielle were working in the yard. I like to sit in the grass so I just sat there and watched them.



>> Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I really like playing with dad. Today I got to play with so many friends. My friend Knox came over and he can walk. I wish I could walk.
I have started to need to go to bed really early. Right now I am getting a tooth so I try to bite mom all the time. But I also like to go to bed early.



>> Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today I got to help mom and dad in the garden. I really like to crawl around on the grass. I pull up as much grass as I can fit in my little fist. I like to crawl and follow Danielle. She runs all over the front lawn and we laugh together. She is a good big sister.


Tuesday Product Review: G diapers

I like to eat Duplos. They are yummy. They are also fun to bang around.
I have to tell you that I have been trying out cloth diapers for a while now. My skin is pretty happy with it. what I don't like is diapers that leak all over. The G diapers have the smallest cloth insert so they aren't right for a cloth diapered boy like me. The disposable inserts are pretty big so I think they are a good hybrid system. Mommy got really frustrated today because one of the snap in liner snaps ripped out of the diaper. She repaired the diaper then listed them all for sale on Ebay. I guess she didn't want to deal with it anymore. and the happy little "G" is coming off of some of the diapers even though I've probably only worn them three times. I told mommy maybe she is washing them too much. the velcro is really strong to it pulls at the fabric a little bit. Mommy doesn't like Pilling. I think she is going to need more diapers than we have without those ones. I have a big bum so we need the large size already!
Mommy doesn't think G diapers are really great for cloth diapering. They leak like disposables and the inserts get stained really easy and the velcro leads to pilling. She wishes she had never bought any from Target and Babies R Us.
But they are pretty cute- don't you think?



>> Monday, June 14, 2010

I really like to play with mommy's cell phone. It is funny. She lets me play with it but today i got it unlocked so she might not let me play with it anymore. I don't think that is very fair.
We play in the yard on Mondays and I wanted to try to eat the grass. Daddy wouldn't let me. That's OK I guess.


Sunday is Overwhelming

>> Sunday, June 13, 2010

Today we had friends come over. mark took a look at one of them after a few had arrived and started wailing. I guess he reached his limit with number of people at our house. He wanted me to hold him the rest of the night. We stayed home from church because mark fell back asleep. I thought to myself- I'll just get up when he does and then go to church. He woke up with 15 minutes of church left. Most weeks I just go with him but sometimes I think he needs to sleep. He gets really overwhelmed at church- after we leave he usually has to cry for an hour. It is strange having a baby that is so different from my last one- he doesn't like crowds. He does MUCH better if we stay home. I feel like I am becoming a Hermit because it really isn't worth it to have a child screaming at me while I go out to lunch. Mark is a light sleeper so if he falls asleep in his car seat he can't stay asleep- the car is too loud/bright/a honk wakes him. Little Cuddle had a hard time today and went to sleep early. Suddenly he is going to sleep between 7 and 8 p.m. I like it.




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