Saturday Projects

>> Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today mom is working in the kitchen. and we went to see my friend Knox. He his toys I like to play with. Sometimes he gets mad at me for taking his toys. I do it anyway. I got to eat a yummy hot dog. today.


Friday daddy leaves

>> Friday, July 9, 2010

I am a big boy. Mom bought some clothes in advance and so did grandma but I fooled them both. I got really big real fast.
In your face planners. So mom went to Target and got me some new shirts. She got a Beatles shirt. I liked it so much I kept it clean all day.



>> Thursday, July 8, 2010

Today I danced with my toy. and I played with Danielle. We played with water bottles. They are really fun. I like to hit them. That is how I play with everything. When Danielle wasn't up yet I crawled into mom's lap. I went to Chuck E Cheese for the first time ever. I liked it. The rides are pretty fun and daddy plays with me.
I have been so happy since I got over my cold. I stayed up late tonight.


Wednesday Modeling

>> Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today I got to Model for mom's etsy shop. I played a lot today. Mom thinks I am an adorable cuddle. I took three naps today. I probably need three naps.



>> Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today was a lot of fun. My favorite thing was playing in the pool. Daddy took me on errands today but we got stuck in traffic and I was really hungry and hot. When you sit in traffic our air conditioner doesn't work as hard. After that mom and dad got out the little kid pool and let me splash for a while. They are so nice. I love water more than anything



>> Monday, July 5, 2010

Today was a great day. I got to see my cousin Elijah. It was so hot where we were. We went to the Lincoln memorial. I was so hot and super hungry while we were there. Then I got to eat cucumbers which I really like. My favorite thing to do is play in the water and today I got to go swimming. It was fun but I drank a lot of the water. We drove home in the night but I was asleep.


Sunday Independence Day

>> Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today Is Independence Day. We are visiting family and I really like them. I don't like most people. I am celebrating the things I can do for myself.
Mark's Independence List

I can crawl where I want to go.
I can pull myself up.
I can tell mommy when I am hungry.
I can say Momma and Dadda
I can grab things with my hands.
I can feed myself lots of things.
I can pick what I want to play with and remember it.
I can decide if I like people.
I can tell people if I want them to pick me up.
I can play by myself.
I can take steps but I prefer to crawl.
I can call people if you give me your phone to play with.




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