
>> Saturday, July 24, 2010

Today mommy was sick. I decided I wanted daddy to hold me all day. Most days I want daddy to hold me. Or I want to play with electrical things. I like to turn the fan on and try to move it all around and climb on it. mommy unplugs the fan when i do that which is rude. I yell at her if she takes my toys away. Like today when she took away her phone. One of my favorite things to do is play tag with Danielle. If she crawls then I chase her. Except sometimes she starts running and then she goes to fast and I find something else to do. She is really nice and sometimes she opens up the gate for me so I can climb up the stairs. Today I climbed all the way up without mom and dad knowing until I was at the top. I was really proud of myself. I am good at climbing stairs.


Friday Faces

>> Friday, July 23, 2010

Today I ran errands with daddy. One thing that I really like to do is help mom with the laundry. I like to move it along. Mostly I just stand by the washer and bang on it when it is open. I like to feel the different parts of the washer. They feel really neat. I stick my tongue out when I do it because that helps me concentrate. Then mom takes a picture. When mom takes a picture of me Danielle likes to interrupt so mom will take a picture of her. But then Danielle doesn't stant still. I don't look at mom though, because the washer is much for interesting.



>> Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today I found a hammer. A hammer! I love hammers. I get to hit things with them. Could there be anything cooler than a hammer? maybe playing fetch with myself. For about an hour today I threw around a ball in the kitchen. Then I would go get it.
You should try it sometime, it's really fun.


Wednesday Sounds

>> Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Did I mention that the lion is the mightiest of all animals. I like to make animal noises. and growl at things. I like it when mommy and daddy growl at me and then I laugh. The only thing cooler than my lion and hitting toys is a cell phone. I am really good at getting them unlocked.
When mom gives me food on a plate I like to put my hands in it and swirl the food around. This way I get more on my hands to eat later and I can also spread the food around. My mom likes the boon plate that sticks to my high chair but I wish I could pick it up and use it to mash up the rest of my food.



>> Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today we went to the Olive Garden. I liked the breadsticks and sit in my seat. I laughed at Danielle.



>> Monday, July 19, 2010

Today was a really fun day. I got to play with a foam sword. I've seen Danielle play with the sword a lot. I got to play with the sword and Danielle today. I loved it.


Sunday Sleep

>> Sunday, July 18, 2010

Today my sleep schedule is different than it used to be. Mommy was really tired because she stayed up all night putting new floor in the kitchen. I like the new floor but I told mommy I was really tired too. I went to sleep at 9 in the morning and mommy did too, and she decided to lay down and go to church when I woke up. I didn't wake up until almost 11:30 so we only went to the last hour of church. I liked going to church. I got to eat graham crackers and also mommy fed me. She always tries to cover me with a blanket when we are at church and I don't like it.




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