Baby Pirate Saturday

>> Saturday, May 8, 2010

Today I was a baby pirate. I played on the floor with mommy while sis and dad went to a movie. I really like playing on the floor. I get frustrated when the table hurts me. Every time it hits me I want to cry. Today I went out to dinner with Mommy. I ate cucumbers and saw Holly.



>> Friday, May 7, 2010

Today I was grouchy except when Danielle was playing with me. and when I got to sit in the high chair and eat puffs.



>> Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today I got up pretty early and played with Danielle in the bouncer a little bit. Then I played with mommy and a tried to stuff Austin the dog in my mouth. We went to McDonalds because Danielle got to pick a special place. I played with Daddy. I love daddy. My friend Melissa came over and we played for a bit before bed so mommy and daddy could spend some time together. I went to church with mommy and played on the floor. I also pooed my brains out today. I think it is really funny when people squeeze my belly. and when mommy shakes her hair in my face. I want to grab it but I don't want to get it in my eyes so I have to squeal and laugh.
Mommy tells me this weekend she is going to make me sleep longer than three hours at a time. She thinks I should be able to sleep more at night. My friend that is five months younger than I am sleeps through the night. I don't think she really means it.



>> Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Today I helped dad clean out the garage. I also went to Home Depot. I am happy to be back home. I sleep more in my crib. I am an old man.



>> Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I woke up late today. I played with Claire a little bit and Monte and then we went to the Airport. I flew to Chicago and slept almost the whole time. Mommy said she had too many bags so she got a bigger bag to put them in. I was glad I could sleep in my car seat- mommy has a neat carrier that I can sleep in but if she moves too much I wake up. They asked her to give up her seat on the next flight and she did- then I got my own seat.
I like to play on the floor in the airport. I wanted to scootch over and visit people. There were lots of nice people on the way home.
I don't like to sleep at night. I prefer waking up to eat when it is quiet and dark. Eating during the day is not as fun as watching my sister run around.


Monday with Claire

>> Monday, May 3, 2010

My favorite toys at Claire's house are the ball Monte plays with and the tissue paper I find. I would crawl across the room for them. I take the ball with me when we go out to breakfast and I want to bring it to bed with me. Who invented tissue paper? I think it is cooler than a plastic bag. I can wave it all around.

last night I woke up every two hours at least and barfed all over mommy. She tells me tomorrow I am going to have to deal with it and just sleep in my room.
My rash is gone. Uncle Steve fed me melon at dinner- he took me out and shared rice and melon. I liked it a lot. Steve and Claire play with me- Aunt Claire likes to hold me and watch TV, which I love more than most things. I am pretty excited that I can get across a room these days, even if I'm not the fastest thing ever. I saw uncle Steve's office today. OK I slept through that part but I went there.



>> Sunday, May 2, 2010

Today I went to sacrament meeting. I grabbed three water cups and some bread. I like grabbing things and I can sneak up on Aunt Claire. I got to play with Uncle Steve in the evening. He holds me in his lap and shows me how the pop up toy works. Mommy was worried when she saw all the kids at church and took me home so I wouldn't make any of them sick. I was really tired all day and now it is almost midnight here and I don't want to go to sleep. I really like to play with Monte's dog toys. I will crawl across the carpet to get them. It takes me a long time but in the end it is pretty fun.




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