
>> Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I fly through the air lots of the time. It is so fun.



>> Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Matt and Carlie are visiting me. I like them. But I also sleep a lot when they are here. I slept most of the day today which was really nice. We ate out again today at Abe's Deli. I like eating the food there. Mommy bought me toast. I waved it around and if you look closely under my chair I threw it there. I liked mommy's noodles way more than I liked my toast but it was fun to be there. I wanted mommy to hold me the whole time.



>> Monday, August 9, 2010

I ate lots of food at the Thai restaurant today. and I slept a lot. I like to sleep when Matt and Carlie visit. I get really excited and that makes me tired. Today Elijah my cousin bit me. It hurt my feelings but I still like him. I want to pull his hair.
Today I ate Thai food with my aunt and uncle and parents. I got to sit in a high chair next to Eli. He watched people in the restaurant but I didn't want to because I don't like them. I ate lots of food and threw some on the floor. They like me at that restaurant. They are really nice.



>> Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sometimes I don't know why they try to get me in a photo with them. Don't they know I have important business to do? I like to crawl on the grass and I like to find little rocks and leaves and various baby treasure. One of my other favorite things to do is to sit in the sandbox and crush the sand between my fingers.




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