Sunday is Overwhelming

>> Sunday, June 13, 2010

Today we had friends come over. mark took a look at one of them after a few had arrived and started wailing. I guess he reached his limit with number of people at our house. He wanted me to hold him the rest of the night. We stayed home from church because mark fell back asleep. I thought to myself- I'll just get up when he does and then go to church. He woke up with 15 minutes of church left. Most weeks I just go with him but sometimes I think he needs to sleep. He gets really overwhelmed at church- after we leave he usually has to cry for an hour. It is strange having a baby that is so different from my last one- he doesn't like crowds. He does MUCH better if we stay home. I feel like I am becoming a Hermit because it really isn't worth it to have a child screaming at me while I go out to lunch. Mark is a light sleeper so if he falls asleep in his car seat he can't stay asleep- the car is too loud/bright/a honk wakes him. Little Cuddle had a hard time today and went to sleep early. Suddenly he is going to sleep between 7 and 8 p.m. I like it.


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