Monday with Claire
>> Monday, May 3, 2010
My favorite toys at Claire's house are the ball Monte plays with and the tissue paper I find. I would crawl across the room for them. I take the ball with me when we go out to breakfast and I want to bring it to bed with me. Who invented tissue paper? I think it is cooler than a plastic bag. I can wave it all around.
last night I woke up every two hours at least and barfed all over mommy. She tells me tomorrow I am going to have to deal with it and just sleep in my room.
My rash is gone. Uncle Steve fed me melon at dinner- he took me out and shared rice and melon. I liked it a lot. Steve and Claire play with me- Aunt Claire likes to hold me and watch TV, which I love more than most things. I am pretty excited that I can get across a room these days, even if I'm not the fastest thing ever. I saw uncle Steve's office today. OK I slept through that part but I went there.
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