Friday- Infant Lead Weaning

>> Friday, June 4, 2010

My mom tells me she likes to feed me with a spoon, but also likes taking care of himself. I like to be able to feed myself and she gives me rice and small food bits so I can eat them. Also I get to hold bread and bagels and bite pieces off. She likes to give me food in my high chair while everyone else eats meals. I like eating rice cereal and other pureed foods. At first mom pureed whatever we were eating and fed it to me. Now I am getting better at eating and I want to use my hands to do it myself.
Mark is our first baby that let us feed him. He used to smack his mouth together to ask for cereal after breastfeeding. Our daughter never let us feed her so we just let her feed herself. She is pretty good at feeding herself. Marks seemed to enjoy being fed and still wants it sometimes but I am gradually switching back to him feeding himself. I think infant led weaning is fantastic, and sometimes i miss doing it completely. I feel like Danielle was less likely to choke. Mark is doing good with the finger foods and loves rice and strawberries most of all.


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