Thursday Sick Day

>> Thursday, April 29, 2010

Today I had a fever over 102 degrees after I took Tylenol. Mommy took me to the doctor. They gave me some fluids and said I had a virus. I threw up a lot. The doctor told me that I have sensitive skin and diapers are irritating it. I told him that wasn't what I came in for, but thank you very much. My friend Monte the dog is also sick- he got a tooth removed. he got a pet goose to comfort him. My fever is going down but I am still crying. I didn't sleep at all last night because I felt bad. I like to cuddle when I feel sick. Since I was feeling a little better I smiled at Uncle Steve tonight.
I've made a big life change, besides deciding never to sleep again. I've decided to reduce my environmental impact. I don't know if you are aware but babies, although the smallest of the people, are involved in a lot of consumption. have you ever noticed a big pile of gear walking around with a small bundle inside- that is a greedy baby. We need so much stuff an adult can't really carry it all so they get strollers. and we poo and pee and expect people to change us. all. the. time. So I have a new pair of G diapers. They are neat- mommy has the option of cloth inserts that she can wash or FLUSHABLE inserts that go down the toilet. Monte the dog smelled them tonight and he said they were OK. I want to put Monte's face in my mouth, but he doesn't come close enough. maybe tomorrow...


Carlie April 29, 2010 at 10:32 PM  

Jealous. Elijah wants some "g diapers." Congrats on the switch. I've been eyeing the Flip diaper toos. I'm excited to hear more about them. Sorry about the sore bum cute baby!

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